"Sue's workshops actually work where so many other programs that I have used have not!"
"Sue helped me find the peace in my life. I learned to listen better to my friends and family."

"Of all the years of therapy, I've never advanced as rapidly or as certainly as I have with Sue in such a short period of time. She knows the right questions to ask, has practical strategies, digs deep, and holds me accountable. Working with her has brought so much clarity and strength to the process. I'm finally working through issues that have held me back my whole life with Sue's guidance."
"Sue's mentoring helped me learn incredibly helpful tools and simple, effective practices. As I delved deeper into the work, I could actually feel it rewiring my brain, allowing me to choose empowerment and personal agency instead of the same outdated survival responses I had been stuck in."
“Sue’s 1-1 mentoring was groundbreaking for me in my self-healing and growing journey. She is kind, patient, and inspiring and helped me dig deep through layers of doubt and grief to help me align with a stronger sense of self. She has helped me set the foundation for greater love and care in my life, and I am immensely grateful.”
"Sue's programs bring people together, give us hope and strength, and let us know we are perfectly ok. We're not alone."

Join Sue for her There is Nothing to Fix retreats. Sue's intensive retreats are for anyone who wants to radically change their lives.
Based on her effective mind-body methodology, TINTF retreats allow participants to experience the power of taking risks, being witnessed, and feeling unconditionally accepted.
The result is a true transformation that lasts a lifetime.
In need of more substantial support?
mentoring with Sue might be
for you!
Sue's gentle and supportive approach helps individuals discover their own wisdom through her path to healingthat has helped thousands of
women across the globe.
Currently, meetings are held via Zoom. Sue's support will help launch a new you and a new life.
Bring Sue into your community or workplace with a half or full-day workshop.
Sue's innovative workshops draw on her personal history and vast experience with body-oriented practices to create an original and effective offering that initiates deep healing.
Sue helps participants tap into their wisdom to guide the way home to our true, compassionate human nature.